Current trends and news from logistics

Between loneliness and hope

Mental health of truck drivers: An underestimated risk Long journeys, cramped driver's cabins, time pressure and social isolation - the everyday life of truck drivers is a major challenge and can cause considerable psychological stress

The path of the Twin Towers rubble after 9/11

On September 11, 2001, the terrorist attacks shocked the world and led to the catastrophic collapse of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center (WTC). The former heart of New York City, with

Pirates in the 21st century

An invisible threat lurks on the high seas, threatening not only the lives of countless seafarers, but also the global economy. What was once considered a relic of past centuries is now

The dark side of the shipping industry

A breathtaking drama of destruction and rebirth unfolds on the dark "Shipbreaking - Yards" at the harbor. Here, disused ships reach our bananas and clothes as a mega fashion